
  • EBID - User Experience at first access
  • FAQ
    • What should I do when the warning about updating the local service (WebID-Service) appears?
    • What to do if the workstation does not work?
    • What to do after a new WebID release?
    • I can't sign the recognition report, how come?
    • I have uploaded the wrong highlights, can I delete them?
    • I can't upload evidence, how come?
    • How many photos can I upload into the dossier for each piece of evidence?
    • What should I do if I lose connection with the user?
    • If the user does not receive an SMS, how many times can the message be re-sent?
    • Video recording did not start the first time
    • When accessing WebID, the pop-up "Verify email address" or "Email address not verified" appears. What should I do?
    • I cannot continue with the recognition.
  • WebID - IT Configuration

WEBID - User Experience at first access

The main features of operator-side experience will be summarized below as regards the use of WebID application.

WebID application requires the prior implementation of a brief configuration at the time of first access.

First, log in to the portal:

and tan enter the username and password held by the operator.

After that, select one of the company to which you are enabled, by choosing it from the drop-down menu.

Make sure you are in PAUSE mode, as shown in the following image:

To manage the security options you need:

  • always allow notifications delivery:


To reach the section dedicated to the Webid configuration, click on SETTINGS button (gray button in the gear shape) located at the top right of the main application screen.

Settings in dedicated section mainly concern:

  1. Storage Folder
  2. Proxy
  3. Change password
  4. Signature Type
  5. Language
  6. Service 
  7. Email

WARNING: if WebID-Service is not installed correctly, the following message will be displayed.

In this case you will have to try to reinstall the WebID-Service program.

Then go to the Archive folder section. After having created (or identified) a folder in which to save the images captured via webcam during the recognition process, it is of fundamental importance to set it as a storage folder, so as to share the images with the application. WARNING: the choice of the archive folder is binding in order to allow the saving of the images captured during the video-recognition phase. Postponing the setting of this folder will compromise the normal operation of the video-recognition procedure.

Complete the operation by clicking on the Save button.

In the Proxy section, it will be possible to make the appropriate configurations if the network on which you are working is protected by a firewall, which could prevent the proper functioning of the APIs used by the video-recording service, causing a failure to start recording error to appear. WARNING: the only types of proxy managed by WebID are those listed in the drop-down menu.

In order to indicate to WebID the subscription certificate type used to validate the identification, go to the Signature Type section.

Use the drop-down menu to identify your signature system.


  • Remote signature with token (Vasco) if you sign the identification report with a remote signature certificate associated with a Vasco token
  • Remote signature with OTP via SMS if you sign the identification report with a remote signature certificate associated with sending the OTP code via SMS to your mobile phone
  • Signing via SmartCard (Dike6) if you sign identification documents with your SmartCard, you can only do so if Dike6 is installed (

WARNING: When using WebID-Service it is not possible to choose Signature with SmartCard. If this option is chosen, the following message will appear: "Attention: Signing via SmartCard is not supported due to the use of the Node Server. Please use the Applet to be able to use the SmartCard signature". However, we would like to remind you that the use of Java Applets is no longer permitted as of 01/02/2019.

If you choose to sign with a physical device, you don't need to specify any other information, while if you choose to remote sign, regardless of the OTP code delivery method (via SMS or Vasco token), you need to specify the application Domain of the remote signature and the certificate Alias. Enter the INFOCERT value in the Domain field and the Alias value in the Alias field. Generally, the Alias coincides with the holder's tax code; however, before entering this value, it is strongly recommended to consult the registration request delivered at the time of certificate issuance in order to correctly enter the alias information indicated therein.

Complete the operation by clicking on the Save button.

Although it is not compulsory, it is strongly recommended to change the password associated with the profile in use when accessing the WebID application for the first time.

To change your password, go to Change Password. Enter the password to be changed, and therefore currently in use, in the Old password field. Choose a New Password and confirm it in the Repeat New Password field. A click on the Save button will finalise the password change procedure. The successful change will be indicated by the brief appearance, in the bottom right-hand corner, of the notice "Saving Completed".

WARNING: the new password will not be sent by e-mail, nor will there be any other notification of this procedure. For this reason, it is important to make a note of the new password so that you do not forget it.

By accessing to Language section, it will be possible to select, from the drop-down menu, one of the languages made available to customise the WebID interface.

Complete the operation by clicking on the Save button.

When creating a new user account for access to the WebID portal, you will be prompted to enter an email address to be used as a preferential address. Once the email address has been set, the system forwards an email message containing a URL to be used to validate the address.

By accessing the Email section, it will be possible to check the validation status of the email address, to be distinguished in the following 3 cases:

  • Email NOT VERIFIED - In this case, the email address to be associated with the user has not yet been communicated (typical of the old WebID users during the creation of which it was not foreseen to provide the delivery email address). To complete the setting, enter the e-mail address in the box and click on the Save button.

  • Email RUNNING VERIFICATION... - The address has been correctly configured but the user has not yet used the URL received by mail to proceed with validation. The blue banner inside the section clearly explains how to perform the validation and allows you to forward a new message to the indicated mailbox.

  • Email VERIFIED - The configured email address has been correctly validated.

To exit Settings section and return to the WebID home page, simply click on the logo/banner at the top left of the application window.


The main features of the current WebID interface will follow.

The WebID home page looks like the image below:

It mainly consists of:

  1. the official Infocert WebID logo/banner positioned in the upper left corner of the window
  2. an operator icon positioned at the top centre of the page, containing the operator name, the company for which he is connected and his current status
  3. a series of buttons in the top left-hand corner referring to the functions of the WebID platform
  4. a series of tabs/pages within which the dossiers assigned to the operator will be listed, according to its current status, whose labels are located just below the application logo
  5. information on the application version, centrally located at the bottom

As regards the functions of the WebID application that can be accessed by the operator, we have already analysed the WEBID SETTINGS section in detail, but WebID provides the operator with further functions by means of as many buttons located in the right-hand corner of the main screen.

The first button (in two versions) indicates the operator's availability status. It can have two values:

  • SUSPEND (grey) when the operator is available to receive new recognition dossiers: clicking on the button will automatically switch the operator to the unavailable status
  • RESUME (green) when the operator is not available: by clicking on the button, the operator will be available again to be assigned a new dossier to work on.

Consequently, the operator icon will also vary: it can take on different colours and carry different labels depending on the current situation:

  • when the operator is available to receive a dossier, the icon turns green and the label reads ONLINE
  • if the operator calls a break or does not wish to receive any files to process, the icon will turn yellow and the label will read PAUSED
  • when the operator is carrying out an acknowledgement and is therefore busy (i.e. cannot be assigned a new dossier) the icon turns red and the label reads BUSY.

NOTIFICATIONS button will allow the operator to access a notification area where he can keep up to date with new releases in WebID:

The third button on the bar is the TECHNICAL INFO button, which should be consulted whenever problems arise with the workstation in use. This information is useful to know the current configuration of the workstation, which must be communicated in the event of a malfunction.

The HELP button refers to this operator's guide (in italian language), which should be consulted whenever necessary.

The last LOG OUT button allows the operator to close and then exit the WebID platform. 

The tabs/navigation pages make it possible to classify all the dossiers associated with the operator over time:

  • The Waiting tab shows the dossiers assigned to the operator and still waiting to be taken over
  • In the tab To be signed all the dossiers completed by the operator but still waiting to be signed will be accumulated
  • The Approved tab lists all the dossiers that have been taken on, completed and signed by the operator;
  • The Rejected tab lists all the dossiers that have been rejected or interrupted without being completed.nella tab 


When a file is taken over, the recognition procedure officially begins. The procedure consists of a series of steps that vary according to the commercial agreements made with the customer/company for which the acknowledgements are being made. The main functions and features common to all processes are summarised below.

WebID recognition interface always provides a summary of the data in the file taken over by the operator. Shown  data are:

  • WebID Dossier-id, i.e. the unique identifier of the dossier (useful to refer to when opening a report in the event of a malfunction)
  • Name and Surname of the user who requested the video-recognition
  • a brief description of the dossier
  • user's Tax Number
  • user's Mobile Phone number
  • data of the Citizenship declared by the user
  • Company ID of the customer for whom the recognition is being carried out
  • Dossier Type associated with the recognition file
  • Dossier creation Date

The dashboard also has three buttons dedicated to three functions:

  • + More Info for more information on the dossier;
  • Open Videoconference to call up the video conference window through which you can take documents photos presented by the user
  • x Reject to proceed to reject the video recognition session: a video recognition session can be rejected at any time by choosing one of the available reasons differentiated according to the combination of dossier-type and company-id

In the case of Live-ID recognition (i.e. in presence), the application asks you to take a portrait of the user to be recognised. To do this, the application displays a special window in which it is possible to take a picture of the user's face using the webcam connected to the workstation. To take the photo, click on the Shoot button. If the photo is successfully captured, the message "Photo saved" appears, otherwise the operator reads "Warning: photo not saved".

WARNING: In order to make the video recordings sent for storage homogeneous and complete, Acknowledgement Operators shall follow the following operating instructions, regardless of the customer for whom they are carrying out the acknowledgement:

  • Operators who are used to working on a workstation with the screen spread over several monitors, during the execution of a video recording shall position the windows managed by the WebID Service application on a single screen
  • From the start of the communication with the user, and for the entire duration of the video-recording, the Operators will arrange the two windows (the one in which the script intended for the Operator runs and the one hosting the images of the Customer and the Operator during the video-recognition session), side by side, as shown in the sample image below:

Otherwise, in the case of WebID recognition (i.e. via webcam), the video conference window opens as a pop-up and looks as follows:

Inside the larger box there will be the image captured by the user's webcam, while inside the smaller image the operator-side webcam capture will be visible. Below the operator-side capture there is a chat to support the video-recognition phase.

On the left column there is a list, populated by progressive events, containing indications of connection progress in real time.

The buttons below the user's image allow you to:

  1. to save a frame of the user-side webcam (camera button), which is useful for finding evidence of the documents shown during video recognition;
  2. to re-fresh the video conference (circular arrow button). WARNING: only use this button to refresh the conference, never use the F5 key.
  3. switch to the rear camera of the mobile device used by the user (subject to verbal communication and acceptance) and then switch back to the front camera. WARNING: this feature will only be present during video-recognitions performed via a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, etc.).

When the customer presents him/herself from a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, etc.), as already mentioned above, there will be an additional button to switch the camera. The operator must therefore inform the customer that the front camera used since the beginning of the session will be momentarily deactivated and the rear camera will be activated in order to collect the photo-evidence of the identity documents in order to obtain higher quality images, thus increasing the success rate of the recognition. Once the change of focus has been communicated to the customer, by clicking on the button indicated by the green arrow, the operator will see what has been framed by the rear camera of the device. WARNING: the switch is only allowed with the customer's verbal consent.

The operator can then proceed to collect the images (again using the classic collection functionality provided by WebID) using the rear camera of the user device. Once the evidence collection is complete, it is important that the operator clicks again on the same button in order to refocus on the front camera. For customers presenting from the web (i.e. not from a mobile device), the button will not be visible and the SMS capture mode should be used.

In general, the rest of the main page is divided into three columns. 

The first one, on the left, shows the list of phases making up the video-recognition: these phases vary in number and type depending on the company for which the video-recognition is being carried out, on the basis of configurations and contractual clauses. On completion of each phase, a green tick will appear in the check-box associated with the phase itself, automatically moving on to the next one. The current phase will be the one highlighted in plain text.

The second, central one shows the information content of the current phase. 

The third, right-hand column contains a number of useful indicators for the operator to carry out the video recognition correctly. Each of them can be accessed by clicking on the title. Among the most important are:

  1. Images section: in this section there will appear as many dashed boxes as there are photos to be collected in the current phase. To collect the evidence, simply take a photo using the appropriate button in the videoconference window, all of which will appear in the central part of the page. To associate them to the correct frame, just select the photo and, keeping it clicked, drag it where required:

  2. Recording section: this section contains the data related to the video recording of the recognition. The operator, during the recognition phase, is asked to start the video-recognition by clicking on the Start Recording button in the central column of the page:

    The operator will then have to wait for the registration to start correctly, keeping an eye on the Registration section in the right-hand column:

    to the timer that counts the time elapsed since the start of recording:

    Only at this point can the operator proceed to the next recognition phase. By clicking on the Stop button, the video recognition will stop immediately. WARNING: only and exclusively during the step in which the start recording button is present, if the recording start is not successful, this button will be selectable again until the recording has been correctly initialisedThe operator must always ensure that the video-recording is started correctly, otherwise he will not be able to proceed to the next recognition step. If the video has not been correctly started or if the operator has interrupted it voluntarily forgetting to start it again, WebID will prevent the operator from advancing in the recognition procedure until the recording is reactivated, drawing the operator's attention with a pop-up:

  3. The Image Capture section contains the button "Send SMS for image capture" which, if clicked on by the operator, will send the customer an SMS on the mobile phone number declared containing a URL to a procedure through which the user can proceed to collect the evidence in complete autonomy (Mobile Capture technology). When the button is clicked, the operator will be asked to choose the evidence to be collected by the user/customer

    By clicking on the Confirm button, WebID will forward the SMS to the customer. The collection by the customer replaces that carried out by the operator, who will find the evidence already pre-loaded at the stages dedicated to the collection of evidence corresponding to the user's documents. WebID will notify you that the SMS has been forwarded and that the user has completed the upload of the evidence.

    At the end of the procedure for acquiring documents from the customer, the operator will be able to access the list of documents sent by the customer through the above procedure by accessing the Available Documents section. After viewing and checking the documents received, the operator can continue with the video recognition procedure.

  4. the Recording History section: contains an up-to-date list of the video recordings made for the current file:
  5. Available documentation section: in this section the operator can consult the documentation attached to the dossier, including the photographs previously taken and associated with the dossier. If you have made a mistake in associating the photograph to the correct frame or you have uploaded more images than required, you can proceed to delete the documents attached to the dossier by clicking on the trash icon next to each document in the Available documentation section. Click on the row to download the relevant document.

WARNING: Before signing, the video recording must be stopped.

At the end of the acknowledgement, the operator will be asked to conclude the file by signing the file report:

The minutes will be signed in the manner previously explained in settings (WEBID SETTINGS) in type of signature section chosen by the operator.

All completed but not yet signed dossiers will be listed in the To Sign tab/page accessible from the home page of the application.


What should I do when the warning about updating the local service (WebID-Service) appears?

As soon as a new version of WebID-Service becomes available, the following pop-up will appear to all operators.

It is always recommended to update to the new version of WebID-Service where possible.

In order to obtain the new version of WebID-Service, please click on the Download button to install the executable. Once the installation is complete, you will need to:

  • restart the workstation
  • refresh WebID page

What to do if the workstation does not work?

Since the introduction of the WebID-Service, there is a TECHNICAL INFO button in the top right-hand corner as shown below:

Clicking on the button will display a technical description of the workstation as shown in the figure. 

Should there be any problems with the post, please report a capture of this page when opening the report.

What to do after a new WebID release?

In the event of a new release of the WebID, we recommend cleaning the browser cache.

I can't sign the recognition report, how come?

If problems arise during the signing of the report, the following checks should be carried out when closing the accreditation file:

  • check, within the Signature Type section of the WEBID SETTINGS type of signature type of signature, that you have correctly set the operator's signature method;
  • check that, if a remote signature certificate is used, the correct information has been entered for the Domain and Alias fields.

I have uploaded the wrong highlights, can I delete them?

It is always possible to delete one or more of the documents uploaded in the WebID recognition file. If you have mistakenly associated the photograph to the correct frame or you have uploaded more images than required, you can proceed to delete the documents attached to the dossier by clicking on the trash icon located next to each document in the Available Documents section (right-hand column in the page dedicated to video recognition procedures).

I can't upload evidence, how come?

If problems occur when capturing evidence of documents to be attached to the file, we suggest checking:

  • within the section Storage folder, if a specific directory has been configured
  • if the directory indicated in the Storage folder section corresponds to an existing folder
  • if the internet connection meets the technical requirements

How many photos can I upload into the dossier for each piece of evidence?

It is possible to upload, within the file, a maximum of 10 photographs for each stage of recognition among all the evidence required.

What should I do if I lose connection with the user?

A degradation in the quality of connectivity with the user, up to loss of connection, may occur at any time. 

In any case, it will always be necessary to try to re-establish a connection with the remote client using the refresh button located in the bottom left-hand corner of the video conference pop-up window:

The file should only be rejected if attempts to re-establish the connection fail.

If the user does not receive an SMS, how many times can the message be re-sent?

There is no "maximum" number of resubmissions; if the OTP does not reach the user, patience is suggested first.

If, however, the message is not delivered after a reasonable period of time (e.g. 1-2 minutes), it will be necessary to reject the dossier and report through the appropriate support channels that the OTP has not been received.

Video recording did not start the first time

During the recognition phase, the operator is asked to start the video-recognition by clicking on the Start Registration button. The operator, therefore, will have to wait for the correct start of the registration and only then the operator will be able to proceed with the next recognition phase.
However, if the recording does not start correctly:

  • only and exclusively during the step in which the start recording button is present, this button will be selectable again until the recording has been correctly initialised
  • check that your network does not have any particular firewall and/or proxy settings: if it does, check the proxy settings (Settings -> Proxy) by choosing the appropriate type from the drop-down menu and providing the necessary information (to be requested from your network area) to finalise the configuration

When accessing WebID, the pop-up "Verify email address" or "Email address not verified" appears. What should I do?

Unlike in the past, all WebID users must now be associated with an email address to be used as the preferred address. All new users are created by directly associating the email address, but old pre-existing users are required to indicate an address to be configured:

  • within the Email area of the Settings section;
  • in the Email address field of the pop-up that WebID will propose each time you access the portal until the address is correctly configured:

If the address has already been configured but not yet verified, you will have to use the URL present in the e-mail message received after configuring the e-mail address (see paragraph Settings -> Email). The pop-up displayed by WebID will be as follows (click on the Send verification email button in case you did not receive the message):

I cannot continue with the recognition.

The video recording has probably been interrupted by the operator or has not started correctly. In these cases, it is advisable to check that the video-recognition has started correctly, without which the operator will not be able to continue with the subsequent recognition steps.

WebID - IT Configuration

To consult the technical configurations of the stations, please refer to the following guide: